20% Off AR Services! Now Through 7/5/2024!

Discounted AR services to help you close out Q2 in a strong cash position.

Guernsey Consulting LLC 2024 6/5-7/5/2024 DISCOUNT!


We will keep this one short and sweet. I wanted to reach out to everyone here and make sure you know from today through 7/5/2024 I am offering 20% off of my Accounts Receivable services.

Being able to collect and put money back into your business at a quarter-end is important and can help your business out tremendously. Too many times businesses are leaving money on the table by not putting enough effort into their collections process, asking for payments, etc.

This is where I can help you structure that process quickly, give your team the insights needed to be efficient collectors, and allow you to free up cash that is always tied up on your receivables report.

Email [email protected] today about this discount and let’s put a meeting on the calendar ASAP to make sure you finish this quarter strong. It’s only going to set you up for further success in 2024, so don’t wait!

Call 812-207-1863 or text me if you want to connect that way.

You can also setup your own meeting with me through Calendly which I’m listing for you in the image below. This allows you to pick a day and time that work best for you and your team. If you need another day/time not offered, send me an email or text and I’ll make it work for you to help out.

Calendly Meeting Link

This discounted AR services edition of The Bottom Line is sponsored by Simple AI! Thank you Simple AI for the support!

simple.ai - The Agent AI newsletterJoin 500,000+ others and learn how to use Agent AI to grow your career or business.

Make sure you contact me today and get the ball rolling as early as possible this month in order to collect as much cash as possible and put a dent in your past due! We won’t need a bunch of time together to make sure your approach is being done correctly, but you will want these next couple of weeks to work through issues, secure promise to pays, and see cash hit the bank. This is an absolute STEAL of a service discount!

Remember, 6/30 is a Sunday so your last business day to receive cash is going to be 6/28. Push what you can in as early as possible!

REMINDER! Don’t forget we also have a great business referral program in place so if you aren’t ready to take the leap and work with me that’s ok! Share this with your network, friends, family, etc. and when we start working together you get paid!

Guernsey Consulting LLC | Business Referral Program

Can’t wait to hear from you, see a meeting pop up, or get a text from you or others this month. I’m ready to get to work for you and make a positive difference that’s lasting for your business.




or to participate.