Why Analyze AR Quarterly?

This post we discuss why analyzing receivables quarterly is important and how it can help minimize business risk.

Guernsey Consulting LLC 2024

Happy Sunday!

We are into a new edition of The Bottom Line and this week I wanted to touch on why analyzing your receivables each quarter is important. Too many times I speak with businesses and they don’t have a process surrounding how to collect cash timely, how to analyze and recognize risk, and just aren’t sure of what their approach should be. If you fall into this category at all and want to take control in this new month, call or email me!

As a busy business owner or team leader, it's easy to overlook the importance of analyzing accounts receivable at quarter-end. Yet, this periodic review is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash flow and ensuring the financial stability of your business.

🔍 Identifying Who's Paying Well

One of the primary reasons for analyzing accounts receivable at quarter-end is to identify which customers are consistently paying on time or even ahead of schedule. These reliable payers are the backbone of your cash flow and deserve recognition. A simple email or mailed Thank You Note (preferred!!) can go a long way for you.

By pinpointing these clients, you can tailor your strategies to nurture these relationships further, perhaps by offering incentives for early payment or providing preferential treatment in future transactions. Think of it this way that you have A, B, and C customers you work with. Your A players are those described above who pay well and respond. Your B players pay just after invoices become due and require little follow up, but you check on them monthly. Your C players are who you are hosting meetings with, constantly emailing, and are chasing them to pay you. What can you do to bring your B and C players up a level?

💡 Spotting Those Struggling to Pay at Terms

On the flip side, quarter-end analysis allows you to identify clients who are consistently late in their payments or struggling to meet their financial obligations. You need to be aware of ALL customers who are struggling to pay you and make sure you/your team are consistently in contact with them.

This insight is invaluable for initiating proactive measures, such as renegotiating payment terms, sending reminders, or even adjusting credit limits to mitigate potential risks. As someone who has worked heavily on receivables for 10+ years, it is totally fine to explore new terms or credit limits with your customer base. You should be analyzing this at least on an annual basis to make sure it still makes sense. If you lock into contracts, which is probably the case, maintain language in the contract to allow you flexibility in the “Payment Terms” section.

🚩 Identifying Potential Cash Flow Risks

Beyond late payments, quarter-end analysis can reveal clients who pose a significant cash flow risk to your business. This could include customers with large outstanding balances or those showing signs of financial instability. These would definitely be customers you’d want to have on your Watchlist.

By flagging these accounts, you can take preemptive actions to minimize potential losses, such as tightening credit terms or diversifying your customer base. These would also be customers that may see potential escalation to management or owners if you feel they pose a true threat.

🎯 Focusing Your Team's Efforts: Armed with insights from your quarter-end analysis, you can align your team's focus for the new quarter to maximize incoming cash flow. If you have an experienced team they are going to help you with this piece and give you information to help know where this focus should be.

Whether it's prioritizing collections efforts on high-risk accounts, streamlining invoicing processes to encourage prompt payments, or refining credit policies to attract more reliable customers, strategic allocation of resources can make a significant impact on your bottom line.

Special Shoutout to Datum Inc in Henryville, IN

Wanted to give a special shoutout to a business owner and friend, Michael Graf, for supporting Guernsey Consulting LLC at last night’s NRA event held at Huber’s Orchard and Winery. There’s opportunities for sponsorships and he put Guernsey Consulting on the wall last night without me even knowing it would be happening. Thank you Michael!

Guernsey Consulting LLC 2024

Ready to take your cash flow management to the next level? Contact me at [email protected] or visit www.guernseyconsulting.com to learn more about how I can help optimize your business's financial performance. Let's turn your accounts receivable into a strategic asset this year! 💰✨

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